Las personas obesas o con sobrepeso sufren migraaas con mas frecuencia y de forma mas grave que quienes tienen un peso normal.
esta es la conclusion a la que ha llegado un estudio realizado por un equipo de neurologos del Albert Einstein College of Medicine de Estados Unidos. En concreto, el trabajo, publicado en la revista Neurology, pone de manifiesto que los obesos que padecen migranas tienen el triple de posibilidades de sufrir jaquecas muy frecuentes en comparacion con las personas que tienen un indice de masa corporal (IMC) normal."
Guía de Nutrición Ortomolecular es un Blog que colecciona información dietética y nutricional importante y practica para personas que se encuentran a dieta de control de peso y/o personas que desean recuperar, conservar o fortalecer su estado de salud.
martes, enero 17, 2006
Tabla del indice glicemico - carbohidratos - Nutricion deportiva para corredores - Copacabana Runners - Maratones y Atletismo
Tabla del indice glicemico - carbohidratos - Nutricion deportiva para corredores - Copacabana Runners - Maratones y Atletismo:
Vea abajo la lista de algun I.G. de alimentos.
Para conseguir la lista completa, visite: "
Vea abajo la lista de algun I.G. de alimentos.
Para conseguir la lista completa, visite: "
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load:
Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values 2002
By David Mendosa
Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values 2002
By David Mendosa
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load:
Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values 2002
By David Mendosa
This is the definitive table for both the glycemic index and the glycemic load. I am able to reproduce it here courtesy of the author, Professor Jennie Brand-Miller of the University of Sydney. It is based on a table with more columns but no more foods published July 2002 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pages 5-56.
Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values 2002
By David Mendosa
This is the definitive table for both the glycemic index and the glycemic load. I am able to reproduce it here courtesy of the author, Professor Jennie Brand-Miller of the University of Sydney. It is based on a table with more columns but no more foods published July 2002 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pages 5-56.
BRUNSWICK - Salud y Nutricion
BRUNSWICK - Salud y Nutricion:
Inicia un habito saludable
Salud y Nutricion
Comience una costumbre saludable y mantenga un estilo saludable de vida
El estilo de vida de hoy, atareado y con trajin, lleva consigo que a menudo no podamos hacer todo el ejercicio ni comer los alimentos nutritivos que necesitamos. Esto puede conducir a problemas de salud mas adelante, los cuales pueden afectar de manera adversa nuestra calidad de vida."
Inicia un habito saludable
Salud y Nutricion
Comience una costumbre saludable y mantenga un estilo saludable de vida
El estilo de vida de hoy, atareado y con trajin, lleva consigo que a menudo no podamos hacer todo el ejercicio ni comer los alimentos nutritivos que necesitamos. Esto puede conducir a problemas de salud mas adelante, los cuales pueden afectar de manera adversa nuestra calidad de vida."
Brocco Sprouts: The Brocco Sprout Story
Brocco Sprouts: The BroccoSprout Story:
"BroccoSprouts Broccoli Sprouts are the only product that guarantees a consistent level of sulforaphane GS, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous plants that supports the body's own antioxidant function. Developed by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Broccoli Sprouts and Sprout Blends are now available in supermarkets around the country.
BroccoSprouts Contain Certified Levels of Antioxidant
When researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine announced the discovery that 1 ounce of broccoli sprouts contained as much of the phytochemical sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS) as 1 1/4 pounds of cooked broccoli, consumers were quick to respond. Earlier research had shown that SGS is a natural compound found in broccoli that stimulates enzymes that boost the body's antioxidant defenses. Broccoli sprouts offer a natural and potent way to supplement the diet with SGS.
In response to consumer demand"
"BroccoSprouts Broccoli Sprouts are the only product that guarantees a consistent level of sulforaphane GS, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous plants that supports the body's own antioxidant function. Developed by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Broccoli Sprouts and Sprout Blends are now available in supermarkets around the country.
BroccoSprouts Contain Certified Levels of Antioxidant
When researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine announced the discovery that 1 ounce of broccoli sprouts contained as much of the phytochemical sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS) as 1 1/4 pounds of cooked broccoli, consumers were quick to respond. Earlier research had shown that SGS is a natural compound found in broccoli that stimulates enzymes that boost the body's antioxidant defenses. Broccoli sprouts offer a natural and potent way to supplement the diet with SGS.
In response to consumer demand"
Brocco Sprouts
Brocco Sprouts:
"BroccoSprouts Broccoli Sprouts are the only product that guarantees a consistent level of sulforaphane GS, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous plants that supports the body's own antioxidant function. Developed by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Broccoli Sprouts and Sprout Blends are now available in supermarkets around the country.
Throughout these pages you will find information on BroccoSprouts, SGS, and the natural benefits found in fruit and vegetables.
Our updated website now contains, among other things, a store locator to help you find BroccoSprouts in your area. We have also added more delicious recipes for you to try BroccoSprouts raw, cooked and wrapped.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of all BroccoSprouts will go to the Brassica Foundation for biomedical research on vegetables."
"BroccoSprouts Broccoli Sprouts are the only product that guarantees a consistent level of sulforaphane GS, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous plants that supports the body's own antioxidant function. Developed by scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Broccoli Sprouts and Sprout Blends are now available in supermarkets around the country.
Throughout these pages you will find information on BroccoSprouts, SGS, and the natural benefits found in fruit and vegetables.
Our updated website now contains, among other things, a store locator to help you find BroccoSprouts in your area. We have also added more delicious recipes for you to try BroccoSprouts raw, cooked and wrapped.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of all BroccoSprouts will go to the Brassica Foundation for biomedical research on vegetables."
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